Since I shared a couple of weeks ago about our upcoming move, we have been busy going through our belongings, seeing what needs to be packed and what needs to be purged. We have been busy tying up loose ends and spending as much time as we can with friends. In two short weeks, we will be pulling out and heading to Golden, CO. Even with all of the emotions that go along with a big move and all of the excitement that comes with a new adventure, I still do get a little scared and nervous about this open door that God has set before us.

Isaiah 41 talks about fear and how God is always with  you.  The one verse in that chapter that sticks out the most is verse 10.

10 fear not, for I am with you;
    be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

So as the next 2 weeks pass us by and we say our goodbyes for now, I will be praying for God to take this fear of unknown away and to prepare me for the door He is opening for us.  I will continue to pray and to thank Him for all the many blessings that he continues to give us.

926. supportive friends and family of our upcoming move.

927.  an amazing homeschool support group I had the pleasure of being the leader of for the past 5 years.

928. a special mom’s night out with the homeschool moms to say goodbye to.

929. the beautiful watercolor painting of the mountains, from the group, so I would have something to remember them by.

930. the sweet and kind words that they spoke of me, that I do not feel were deserving.

931. the precious pool party that the homeschool support group planned for our families, so our children could say goodbye.

932. the thoughtful notebooks that a mom blessed my children with, with words of encouragement and sweet goodbyes written.

933. the many hugs that were shared among everyone.

934. an awesome evening celebrating the 4th of July at our church.

935. grandparents coming to visit and to help us pack.

936. friends offering their time to watch my children so that I can get some packing finished.

937. an amazing week of VBS at our church.

938. all of the workers who helped at VBS for the week.

939. the 5 decisions made for Jesus by children at VBS this past week.

940. the help of friends in Colorado to help us find a place to live.

941. seeing friends accept the call to a church of their own.

So many blessings this past two weeks.  I am looking forward to see what more blessings God has in the future for me and my family.

I would love for you to join me and the others linking up at A Holy Experience. We would love to see how God has blessed you and your family.