Our family loves to go pick blueberries.  For the past 6 years, we have always gone to the Blue Ridge Parkway to pick blueberries.  It was always a favorite treat to do for my son on his birthday.  This year though, we moved and never made it to pick berries on the Parkway.  However, we did manage to go to a farm here, in Colorado to pick berries.  They just didn’t have any blueberries.  So, off to the store we went to get some fresh blueberries When we get blue berries, one of our favorite things to bake is blueberry cobbler!  The recipe I use is very easy and simple to make.  Hope you enjoy the cobbler as much as my children have!


Blueberry Cobbler

Blueberry Cobbler

**2 cups blueberries         1 stick of butter

1 1/4 cups sugar              1 cup self-rising flour

1 cup of milk                      1/4 tsp vanilla extract

1/4  tsp salt

** you can use 2 cups of frozen blueberries in place of the fresh ones.

**you can also use peaches, pears, blackberries or any other fruit that you love.

Preheat oven to 350.  Place the stick of butter in a 9×13 baking dish and melt it in the oven while the oven is heating.  Once it has melted, take out and set aside.  Take a 1/4 cup of sugar and pour over the blueberries in a bowl and mix.  Set aside.  Mix the rest of the sugar, the flour and salt in a bowl.  Add in the milk and vanilla and mix well.  Pour the batter in the middle of the pan.  Then take the blueberries and pour them over the batter.  Put in the oven and bake for 45 minutes at 350 or until the top is golden brown.