Psalm 86:12

12 I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart,
    and I will glorify your name forever.

God continues to bless our family and it does my heart good to think of all the wonderful things that we have been blessed with.  We have never been without anything.  God has always met our needs whenever we have needed something.  Even those times when I feel like everything has gone wrong, I can always find something to be thankful for.

Lately, our family has been fighting sickness.  We know that it is because we have just recently moved here and it is taking our body some time to adjust to the new climate.  The same thing happened when we moved to NC back on 2005.  Moving in itself has been a big adjustment.  We have left many friends and a wonderful church.  We know this moved was planned by God and we know that He does have plans for us being here.  We just need to wait on Him to show us why we are here.  So until we can figure it out, we will continue to trust in God and count the blessings that He gives us daily.

1021.  so thankful we have found a family with a child Sammy and Claire’s age in our building.  They have enjoyed playing with one another almost daily!

1022. celebrating our oldest daughter’s 15th birthday!

1023. being able to bake goodies for my family.

1024. getting phone calls from friends back home in NC.

1025. family drives on Sunday afternoons.

1026. being able to go to a chiropractor and massage therapist.

1027. having friends I can talk to.

1028. a husband who takes care of me while I am not feeling well.

1029. a husband who loves his children and will take them out for an evening.

1030. social media to keep in contact with family and friends.

I would love for you to join in counting the many blessings that God gives. Stop by A Holy Experience and visit others who are also sharing their many blessings.