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A Work In Progress

God is working in my heart.  Since we have been going to our wonderful church, God has truly been working on my heart through the messages and teachings of our pastor and associate pastor.  My toes have been stepped on, been hit up side the head with a 2×4 and some Sunday’s and Wednesday’s, it feels like I have been beaten.  God’s word is so powerful.

I was 10 when I asked Jesus to come into my heart and to be my Lord and Savior.  I remember the day like it was yesterday.  I remember being baptized and crying because I was so happy.  I remember my mom and dad’s faces, as they were with tears of joy also.

Then my teenage years came and I rebelled.  My parents raised me the right way, in the way of the Lord and yet I made many mistakes.  I am so thankful that we have such an awesome God.  A God of forgiveness.  I was on my knees asking for forgiveness when I found out I was pregnant at the age of 17 and a senior in high school.  I married that same year.  We loved each other and loved our son.  Even though we didn’t do things in the right order, we knew God wanted us together to raise our son in the way of the Lord.

Being married young and having a baby at a young age can bring difficulties along the way.  We had our fair share of problems and I slipped away from God again.  God never let go of me though.  I am so thankful for that.  Through the grace of God, I came back to the One who loves me the most.  I am so glad I did.

Since that time, we have had 3 more children and moved from our home town.  We felt God telling us we needed a change.  Before we knew it, my husband had a job in a mountain town and we moved 400+ miles from the place I grew up.  It was hard leaving family and friends, but God knew I needed to grow up even more.

God has steadily worked on my heart since.  I learn more and more each day, about God and about myself.  I do know that I want to live my life for God.  God needs to be first in my life no matter what. I want to encourage you to love God and live your life through Him.  By no means am I perfect.  I am a sinner saved by the grace of God.  A loving and forgiving God.  A merciful God.

As I learn new things from God and the Bible, I am hoping to pass them on to you.

A Work In Progress

God is working in my heart.  Since we have been going to our wonderful church, God has truly been working on my heart through the messages and teachings of our pastor and associate pastor.  My toes have been stepped on, been hit up side the head with a 2×4 and some Sunday’s and Wednesday’s, it feels like I have been beaten.  God’s word is so powerful.

I was 10 when I asked Jesus to come into my heart and to be my Lord and Savior.  I remember the day like it was yesterday.  I remember being baptized and crying because I was so happy.  I remember my mom and dad’s faces, as they were with tears of joy also.

Then my teenage years came and I rebelled.  My parents raised me the right way, in the way of the Lord and yet I made many mistakes.  I am so thankful that we have such an awesome God.  A God of forgiveness.  I was on my knees asking for forgiveness when I found out I was pregnant at the age of 17 and a senior in high school.  I married that same year.  We loved each other and loved our son.  Even though we didn’t do things in the right order, we knew God wanted us together to raise our son in the way of the Lord.

Being married young and having a baby at a young age can bring difficulties along the way.  We had our fair share of problems and I slipped away from God again.  God never let go of me though.  I am so thankful for that.  Through the grace of God, I came back to the One who loves me the most.  I am so glad I did.

Since that time, we have had 3 more children and moved from our home town.  We felt God telling us we needed a change.  Before we knew it, my husband had a job in a mountain town and we moved 400+ miles from the place I grew up.  It was hard leaving family and friends, but God knew I needed to grow up even more.

God has steadily worked on my heart since.  I learn more and more each day, about God and about myself.  I do know that I want to live my life for God.  God needs to be first in my life no matter what. I want to encourage you to love God and live your life through Him.  By no means am I perfect.  I am a sinner saved by the grace of God.  A loving and forgiving God.  A merciful God.

As I learn new things from God and the Bible, I am hoping to pass them on to you.

A Proud Momma

A Proud Momma

It does a momma good to see her children go and help a neighbor rake leaves, put them in a bucket and carry them to the garden plot to dump out. Thank you God for giving my children a tender heart and a love to help others.

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A Proud Momma

A Proud Momma

It does a momma good to see her children go and help a neighbor rake leaves, put them in a bucket and carry them to the garden plot to dump out. Thank you God for giving my children a tender heart and a love to help others.

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Election Day!

Be sure to go and vote today! It is important to let your voice be heard.

I came across this quote today and think it is very fitting for
election day.

“I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do
everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the
something I can do.” – Helen Keller

Don’t refuse to do the one thing you can do!

Let’s vote and get God back in control of this Country!