Welcome to another week of Wednesdays Around the World!  This week for Wednesdays Around the World,  I am sharing with you our lesson on The City of Rome.  This is the 43rd lesson in the Mystery of History: Volume 1.

The kids and I learned that Italy got its name from Italiis, a tribe, that lived in southern part of the country.   One of the strongest tribes that lived in Italy was called the Latins.  They lived on the west coast of Italy because of it natural ports, for ships to come and go, which made it easy for trade.  The land was also fertile and made it perfect for farming.  With the land being great for farming and being by the ocean and by the Tiber River, this made the area perfect for settling in and it was where the Latins founded the City of Rome.

We also learned that the Latin everyone learns today is the same language from the Latins in Italy.  Many of the modern languages today came from Latin.  English, the language we speak is one of them!

Our activity for the day was looking for Latin words on a penny, nickel, dime and quarter.  While we do not speak the language,  some people do use phrases written in Latin.  The United States Government put “E Pluribus Unum” on the coins.   What does “E Pluribus Unum” mean?  It means, “Out of many, one”.  This refers to the fact that one nation, the Untied States  is formed and made up of many states.  You can find “E Pluribus Unum” on the back of the coins.  We used our magnifying glass to look for the phrase.

penny, nickel, dime and quarter

They also asked us to find another phrase that is on the penny, nickel, dime and quarters.  My son didn’t have to think to hard ont his.  He knew right off they were referring to “In God We Trust”.  You can find those words on the front of the coins.  “In God We Trust” was first put on the coins in 1864 and put on paper currency in 1957.  “In God We Trust” was adopted at the official motto of the United States in 1956, replacing “E Pluribus Unum“.  You can find “In God We Trust” on the front side of the coins

penny, nickel, quarter and dime

We were only able to get one lesson finished this last week.  I have been having some health issues, so it has been slow getting started back to school.

What have you been learning in history or geography?  Please link up and share with us!

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