Today for Teaching Creation Thursday, I am sharing with you an Awesome Science DVD.  Our family loves science, so any time I am able to review a science book or DVD, I get all excited.  Especially if it helps to teach about God and his creations!  I could not wait until we received the Awesome Science DVD in the mail.  I don’t know who was more excited, me or my kids!

Awesome Science: Explore the Grand Canyon with Noah Justice is the first DVD in a series that is produced by a homeschool family.  Noah, who is the host, is 14 years old and is exploring the many many layers of the Grand Canyon.   Noah and his family are teaching us how earth science  supports the biblical record.

The DVD is 30 minutes long and will teach you how the Grand Canyon was made in just days, not millions of years and how the Bible can be trusted as the Earth’s history book.  It also will show you how the many layers were made in less than a year’s time.

The DVD comes with a study guide and workbook that covers what you have learned in the DVD, to help reinforce what is taught in the DVD.  The study guide has a lot of fill in the blank and True/False questions.  It also has bonus activities that you can do.

Now that you know a little bit about the DVD, let me tell you what my kids and I think about it.  WE LOVED IT!!  The DVD is very well made.  It has a lot of beautiful scenery and the information that they provide is wonderful!  Noah Justice is an excellent host that will hold your attention from the beginning, all the way to the end.  My children who are 15, 8 and almost 7, watched the whole DVD without getting up once.  What I really loved about Awesome Science: Explore the Grand Canyon?  It was so interesting that my kids kept wanting to learn more about the Grand Canyon once the DVD was over with!  The kids told their dad about the DVD and now they are wanting to take a trip to visit the Grand Canyon!

I am so excited about this DVD series.  There are 13 in all.  I know this series will become a favorite in our household.  I highly recommend that you check it out!

Now for some good news!  I have an Awesome Science: Explore the Grand Canyon DVD to give to you all!
a Rafflecopter giveaway