The same day we went to the archaeological dig, we also stopped by a place called Judaculla Rock.  Judaculla Rock is a petroglyph.  What is a petroglyph? Petroglyph are pictures or images created by removing rock with different types of tools.

Judaculla Rock was made by the Cherokee Indians.  Even though the markings are faint, you can still tell what some of the shapes are.  You can see animals, people and even a sun.  To me, it also looks like they have carvings of either sugar cane or corn.  There are also other shapes and images that are hard to recognize.  Scientist are not for sure what its purpose was for.

While the carvings are slowly fading away due to the weather and sometimes vandals, it is a beautiful work of art.  I can only imagine the many hours it took for the Indians to carve the pictures.

If you are ever in this area, I encourage you to take time to drive the back roads to see this.

We had never seen a petroglyph until we saw this one.  I would love to visit more that have been found in the United States!  Have you ever seen a petroglyph?  Please share with us if you have!