It has been a week since the end of the 2:1 Conference.  All I can say is it was a amazing.  I went scared to death, knowing I was going to be meeting people who I have been reading for a while.  Meeting these Godly women who love Jesus as much as I do and who love to be at home with their children and teach them.  My husband kept telling me to relax, that they are normal people just like we are.  And you know something?  He was right.  Everyone I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with were Christian homeschooling momma’s trying to raise and teach their children in the way of the Lord.

(Tabitha, me, Stef and Jennifer)

First off, I need to once again say thank you to my sponsor, See The Light.  I don’t think I would have been able to go without their help.  Also, I want to say thank you to Stef of The Homeschool Village and Educating Laytons.  She helped connect me with See The Light.  Also a big thank you to my wonderful husband.  He believes in me.  He knows that I have a heart for Jesus and for homeschooling moms.  He knows that I love helping others and supported me in going to the conference.

(Tabitha, Lena, Jennifer and me)

On to the conference.  Like I said, it was amazing.  I have used the word amazing so much this past week.  I just don’t know how else to explain it.  While I had already started making changes in the way we homeschool over the last few years, this confrence was like a confirmation for me.

(Tabitha, Jamerrill and me)

I needed to get God back to the center of my life and our homeschooling journey.  For without Him, I am nothing and neither is our homeschooling journey. My goal is to teach my kids in the way of the Lord.  If we don’t get any other learning accomplished, then that is okay.  If we are having issues with behavior, then that is an issue with the heart.  We need to correct that.  We will sit aside books and focus on that.  If I am having a bad day, then the kids will have a bad day.  I need to focus on getting God first in my life.  That starts with my prayer and study time.

(Kela and me)

God gave my children to my husband and I.  However, they belong to Him.  They are only on loan to me while we are here on this earth. There fore it is important for me to teach them to glorify God.  If I do that, then all else will fall into place.

(Cheryl and me)

I know it seems like I am rambling, but like I said, I am still processing all that the speakers said and following up the scripture they all shared too.  I also loved the connections I made with others.  It was truly wonderful meeting those who have inspired me to keep writing and to keep helping and encouraging others.  I will definitely be writing about the conference here and there, but wanted to get something posted for those who have been wondering about my trip.  I also have plans of having my oldest daughter write about their field trips they took while I was in the conference.  I am looking forward to hearing about all of their adventures.  They keep telling me stories of their fun weekend!

Be sure to stop by the 2:1 Conference recap page to hear what everyone else is saying about their weekend!

Have you listened to anyone lately that has inspired a change in the way you homeschool?