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Sugar Cookies

Sugar Cookies

We had another snow/ice day today. So the kids and I made sugar cookies. Well, actually I made the dough yesterday and by the time the dough needed to set in the refridgerator, it was too late to start rolling it out. Anyhow, we got the dough out today. As you can tell, the kids had a blast. We never did make the icing, however, that did not stop the kids from eating them!





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Sugar Cookies

Sugar Cookies

We had another snow/ice day today. So the kids and I made sugar cookies. Well, actually I made the dough yesterday and by the time the dough needed to set in the refridgerator, it was too late to start rolling it out. Anyhow, we got the dough out today. As you can tell, the kids had a blast. We never did make the icing, however, that did not stop the kids from eating them!





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