dreams coming true

Vegas and Ben

For my oldest daughter, moving here has made a little girl’s dream come true.  Since she begin to talk, she had this love for horses.  Horse was one of her very first words.  She has quite a few stuff animal horses and has drawn many pictures of horses throughout the years.  So when we moved to Colorado, the lady we are renting the vacation rental from, has two horses.  She asked Sarah if she would be willing to help take care of the horses for her.  Of course she said yes!  Not only does she have a job helping to take care of horses and being paid for it, she is also getting riding lessons in return.  Yes, dreams do come true to hose who wait.

Sarah riding Ben.

Sarah wakes up every morning and will go straight to the horses.  She will let them out into the field and clean the stable.

Sarah taking Ben around the stable at a walk.

Every afternoon she will go out to give the horses fresh water and food.

Sarah and Ben are trotting now.

While I haven’t been able to provide this dream for my daughter, God has.  It is amazing what happens when you do your best to follow God and be in His will.  Even something as simple as making a girl’s dream come true of having horses around, He does care for you and will provide.

I am glad my daughter is able to have this experience.  It is teaching her responsibility.  It is teaching her how to properly care for animals.  It is teaching her hard work.  It is teaching her that dreams come true if you work hard and most of all, trust in God.  Even after we move, Sarah will still have a job taking care of Ben and Vegas several times a week.  She will also continue taking riding lessons.  Yes, good things come to those who wait.  Thank you God for giving my daughter this dream.