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Rocky Mountain National Park ~ field trip

Rocky Mountain National Park ~ field trip

One of our favorite things to do as a family is to do field trips and go riding around our area to look for new things to do.   We love to have our own little adventures. Recently, we rode to Rocky Mountain National Park near Estes Park.     Estes Park was having a winter festival with lots of games, chili and a mac-n-cheese cook-off’s and music.  There were also a lot of vendors peddling their homemade wares.  We truly had a wonderful time.  It was quite cool though, the wind was blowing a lot.  We decided that we would leave and ride around a bit before it got too dark.

Rocky Mountains National Park

Once we left the festival, we realized that a Rocky Mountain National Park entrance was right around the corner from where we were at.  We decided to buy an annual pass to the park so that we can explore more of it later.  I can’t wait until it warms up and we can go hiking on some of the trails.

Elk in Rocky Mountain National Park

As we passed through the entrance, the scenery was just beautiful.  We even spotted a herd of elk just off the road.  Of course it was easy to see considering there were about 10 other vehicles pulled off and stopped in the road.  We joined right in to watch the gorgeous creatures.

Elk in Rocky Mountain National Park

The elk just stood there and continued to eat.  Every now and then, one would look up and around to see if they were still being watched.

Herd of Elk

There were two elk that decided to start head butting each other.  Those pictures didn’t turn out well.  You could definitely tell one was an older elk putting a younger else in his place!

Elk running down the road

As we left the herd of elk and continued on down the road, we saw an elk running beside the road.  God’s creatures are so amazing!

Sun setting on the Rocky Mountain National Park

As we continue on the small loop, the sun was starting to set.  The clouds were just gorgeous.  God sure does know how to paint the sky!

cool clouds over the Rocky Mountains

We were on just a small loop of the Rocky Mountain National Park.  We decided to just take this small loop since it was getting dark.

beautiful sunset over the Rocky Mountains

Riding around on adventures like this is a favorite pastime for our family.  It is time we get to explore God’s creations and a time we get to spend with one another.

I am linking up with Tonya over at The Traveling Praters for Best of the USA Blog Hop.  I can’t wait to see all the places highlighted in this blog hop!  I hope you will go visit the others who have link-up!

Project Cleanse~ a learning process

Project Cleanse~ a learning process

Project Cleanse has been more of a learning process for me, than anything else.  Definitely a lesson I won’t forget.  I started out the Project Cleanse planning on cleansing my house, purging and decluttering what we didn’t need anymore.  However, I am getting so much more than that from this project.

As  you may have noticed, I haven’t updated in a couple of weeks.  I have had a few health issues.  It all started when I got sick with some sort of stomach bug that went through the rest of the family first.  When I finally thought I was well, my body apparently didn’t think so.  I was hit by two major migraines that put me to bed.  Once I finally thought I was rid of those, I started having minor headaches with dizziness and nausea.  I have Fibromyalgia and the effects of the stomach bug, put my body is a Fibromyalgia flare-up.  It has been a difficult couple of weeks, but thanks to my family, they have not only taken care of the household needs, but also me.  I am truly blessed.

During this time, I have felt God calling me to get my health under control, more so than my house.  While I am not really a junk food eater and I do eat fairly healthy and drink a lot of water, I have felt Him speaking to me to find out what exactly is going on with my body.  This past week, I went to a clinic that is nearby that specializes in Fibromyalgia patients.  The first step has been taken.  I filled out about 20 pages of papers and talked with the doctor.  They went over everything and ordered a whole bunch of tests.  While I have had a few of these tests in the past, they ordered a lot that I had never heard of before.  There are times, when a patient can figure out what triggers the flare-ups.  This place will also find a way to help me best manage the pain, as well.

I am excited about this step that I am taking.  I have realized that this disease has affected me more than what I thought it had.  Well, not only me, but my family.  God knows that my heart is to be there for my family.  My husband and children.  He knows that being at home with my children, schooling them, is where I need to be at, at this time.  He knows my heart is to be there for others, to help and encourage them in their faith and homeschooling journey.  However, I can’t do that to the best of my ability if I do not take proper care or get the proper care that I need for myself.

So while I am still trying to organize and cleanse my home, I am also in the process of organizing and cleansing my heart, body and soul.

I have been working slowly on getting my homeschool area cleansed.  It is in my dining room area.  I have accomplish some, but it is still a work in progress.

Here is a before picture of the area.

Before picture of desk/craft/homeschool area.

This is the after picture.  Like I said, it is a work of progress.  I am getting there, just having to take it a little slower.

After picture of desk/craft/homeschool area.

How are you doing on your goals and projects for the year?

Project Cleanse~ What I have learned so far..

Project Cleanse~ What I have learned so far..

Project Cleanse

I had so many thoughts and plans for Project Cleanse.  Only 3 days in and I have learned so much.  I thought I was ready to get my home into shape.  I was ready to start sorting through closets and cabinets, deciding what we really needed and what was just there to make clutter and I could discard of.

However, God had a different idea in mind for me.  You see, that evening I got extremely sick.  My whole family had been sick the previous 10 days and it finally caught up with me.  I spent most of Tuesday in bed sick with chills, fever, aches and on my stomach.  During this time, God was working on my heart.  You see, all I could think about was how my plans were just not going how I wanted them to.  God knew that I wasn’t ready to start cleansing my house just yet.  He knew I needed to start with my heart.

You see, this move has been rough on me.  We have been gone from our home in NC for 5 months now and there are days that I struggle with it.  I know God moved us to Colorado, I have just had a hard time adjusting.  It has been hard to make friends and just tough in general getting used to living around so many people.  Also, a first for me, is living in an apartment.

What do I need to do first?  Cleanse my heart.  Put my focus back on God, where it belongs.   God ordained this move for our family.  He is the one who lead my husband to this job.  He has us out here in Colorado for a reason.  I need to focus on Him, by being still and listening to what he has planned for myself and our family.   I need to study God’s word more, be in prayer and ask God what he would have me do while I am in Colorado.   How will I be able to glorify God while living in Colorado?

Now that I know what I need to do to get my heart cleansed, I am now able to make my apartment a home.  It will go much smoother when I start cleaning out each room.  I will be able to focus and ask myself will the belongings help me to better glorify God.

Are you cleansing an area of your life?  Have you discovered anything new in yourself?  Has God revealed anything new to you that you need to work on?  How can I pray for you and encourage you in your life?



Project Cleanse~ House Cleansing

Project Cleanse~ House Cleansing

Project Cleanse

I am so excited about Project Cleanse.  When Kelli first started talking about doing a project like this, I knew God was speaking to me.  You see, I had already been praying about goals for 2013 and cleansing my home was one of my top goals that I wanted to focus on.

We moved 4 months ago and while we did downsize some before the move, more stuff came with us, than what I had intended.  As I look around now, I still see boxes and other things sitting out that have yet to be unpacked or put where it belongs.  I am also seeing things that I am asking myself why it is still in our house.   Now that I know we are here to stay in Colorado, I am ready to finally settle down and make our apartment a home, not a storage bin.

My family has been sick for the past couple of weeks, so I am not as prepared to begin this as I wanted to be.  While I know I want to cleanse my house, I do not have any specific plan at this time.  I do know that I will be focusing on one room at a time.  I will definitely be taking before and after pictures and sharing them when I finish a room.  My goal  is also to blog at least 2 times a week sharing with you my progress.

I am also excited that I won’t be doing Project Cleanse alone.  There are several other bloggers who will be joining Kelli and myself.  They have also chosen different areas in their lives that they want to cleanse and will be blogging about it as well.  Be sure to stop by Kelli’s blog to see who all will be joining us.

Do you have an area that you are cleansing in?  I would love to know so that I can pray and support you!


Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas, the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus.  The day we recognize when God gave us his Son.  It is also a time where we spend with family and give to those who we love.  I have always loved Christmas.  I love being with my family and spending time with them.

snowy Christmas morning

snowy Christmas morning

However, it can be hard at times when most of your family is many miles away from you.  In years past, since we have moved away from family, there has only been one Christmas that we have missed with our extended family.  It was the Christmas 2010 when we were snowed in.  This year, we weren’t snowed in.  We were 1700 miles from our extended family. While it has been tough, we definitely made the most of it.

Christmas Tree

oldest daughter opening up a gift

Our day started off with us waking up to snow.  My husband, oldest son and I were up at 6:30 am.  It wasn’t long after we walked into the living room that our two daughters joined us. We were just waiting for our youngest son to wake up. Well, my oldest son got tired of waiting on him (it had only been like 5 minutes!  LOL) and woke him up.

oldest son opening up a gift

all three opening up a gift together

We opened gifts and enjoyed seeing what grandparents has sent to us.  I cooked breakfast, while the kids started opening up games to play together.  After we ate breakfast, the kids continued playing the games.  After a couple of hours, my hubby started cooking our Christmas lunch.  We had rib roast, mashed potatoes and green beans.  It was a delicious meal, but most importantly, we were all gathered together around the table together.

youngest got her first container of Lego’s

a gift from Pa

We have enjoyed having dad off for the week.  He doesn’t have to go back to work until January 2nd.  We have had movie nights, have had fun playing games and putting Lego sets together.  This time is flying by with one another and I am soaking up every minute we have together as a family.

the crown was a gift from oldest sister to younger sister.

a gift from Grandma and Papa

a gift from Grandma and Papa

Enjoy this time with your family.  Blessings to you through the rest of this Christmas season and into the New Year.