Project Cleanse~ House Cleansing

Project Cleanse

I am so excited about Project Cleanse.  When Kelli first started talking about doing a project like this, I knew God was speaking to me.  You see, I had already been praying about goals for 2013 and cleansing my home was one of my top goals that I wanted to focus on.

We moved 4 months ago and while we did downsize some before the move, more stuff came with us, than what I had intended.  As I look around now, I still see boxes and other things sitting out that have yet to be unpacked or put where it belongs.  I am also seeing things that I am asking myself why it is still in our house.   Now that I know we are here to stay in Colorado, I am ready to finally settle down and make our apartment a home, not a storage bin.

My family has been sick for the past couple of weeks, so I am not as prepared to begin this as I wanted to be.  While I know I want to cleanse my house, I do not have any specific plan at this time.  I do know that I will be focusing on one room at a time.  I will definitely be taking before and after pictures and sharing them when I finish a room.  My goal  is also to blog at least 2 times a week sharing with you my progress.

I am also excited that I won’t be doing Project Cleanse alone.  There are several other bloggers who will be joining Kelli and myself.  They have also chosen different areas in their lives that they want to cleanse and will be blogging about it as well.  Be sure to stop by Kelli’s blog to see who all will be joining us.

Do you have an area that you are cleansing in?  I would love to know so that I can pray and support you!