Lego’s and Homeschooling

Some see Lego’s as toys for kids. While it is considered a toy, I also think you can use it for part of your schooling. There is just so much a child can do with legos.

Samuel and his police car.

They can separate the Lego”s by size, color and shapes.

Claire and her beach set.

When putting the Lego sets together, the child follows directions of the set.

Lego City set.

Playing with the sets can spark imagination and creativity.  You can even let the kids build projects for schooling of what they have read about.  There really is so much you can do with Lego’s for schooling.

Lego Friends set.

We love playing with Lego’s in our house.  My oldest two have been playing with Lego’s for years. Now my younger two children are getting into it.  Yes, they do hurt when you step on them, but I think the learning possibilities outweigh the pain. 😉

Does your children play with Lego’s?  Do they like to build the sets or do they like to just create anything from the Lego’s?