Mystery of History ~ Elisha helps a widow…

My kids and I are really enjoying the Illuminations by Bright Ideas Press.   We are using Illuminations Year 1 and have chosen Mystery of History as our history spine. We started using Mystery of History Volume I, last year, but never finished it.  So I figured we would start over and reuse it this year with the Illuminations Year 1.  I am glad we did.

We just finished up lesson 37 on Elisha (Israel’s Prophet).  During this lesson, we read that Elisha was compared to Jesus.  They both loved being around people and performed many miracles.  A few of the miracles that we talked about Elisha performing are; Elisha telling soldiers to dig pools in the earth and they would be filled, the healing of Naaman, and miracles for the Shunammite woman (her having a baby and then Elisha bringing the boy back to life after dying) and the widow who had a debt that needed paying.   Those are just a few of the miracles that Elisha performed!

The Mystery of History activity for lesson 37 was doing an experiment with water and oil.  During this experiment, we were able to talk more about how Elisha performed the miracle for the widow woman in 2 Kings 4:1-7.

Samuel pouring oil in a measuring cup.

First, Samuel took the oil and poured a 1/2 cup in a measuring cup.

Claire getting a bowl of water.

Next Claire, got a bowl and filled it with water.

Claire putting drops of purple food coloring in the bowl of water.

She then put purple food coloring in the bowl to tint the water.

Putting drops of colored water in the oil.

The next step was to put drops of the colored water in the cup of the oil.  We were to watch and discuss what the reaction of the water to be in the oil.

The results of adding the colored water to the oil.

The results of adding the colored water to the oil.

The kids noticed that the water drops stayed in balls and dropped to the bottom of the cup of oil.

We also talked about why Elisha would tell the lady and her sons to go get as many empty vessels as they could find and to keep pouring the oil in the vessels.  When they could not obtain any more vessels to pour the oil in, the oil stopped flowing.  Elisha then told her to go and sell the oil to take care of her debts.  She did.  It is so amazing how God provides right when you need it!  I have seen many miracles in my lifetime and they do still happen!!

I am thankful for this opportunity to have found this amazing curriculum that has been published by Bright Ideas Press.  I am also thankful they have allowed me to be an affiliate for them.  You will see their buttons on the side of my blog. If you click on those and order any product, I will get a small portion of that purchase.  The links in this post also contain affiliate links.  Again, if you click on those links, I will get a small portion.

However, even if I wasn’t an affiliate, I would still recommend this amazing curriculum to you.  I always enjoy sharing curriculum I love and is working with us.  I am hoping to share more throughout the year as we go through this curriculum.  If you have any questions,  please email me at jumpforjoy at gmail dot com or message me on my Facebook page A Journey of Joy.


This post contains affiliate links.