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Wednesdays Around The World: A History and Geography link-up~ Israel falling to the Assyrians and Hosea

Wednesdays Around The World: A History and Geography link-up~ Israel falling to the Assyrians and Hosea

Welcome to another week of Wednesdays Around The World.  Working through sickness in the family, we still managed to have several great lessons in our Mystery of History studies.

In lesson 45, we read about Israel and how they fell to Assyria.  By using prophets as His messengers, God had warned them to not sin.

2 Kings 17:13

13 Yet the Lord warned Israel and Judah by every prophet and every seer, saying, “Turn from your evil ways and keep my commandments and my statutes, in accordance with all the Law that I commanded your fathers, and that I sent to you by my servants the prophets.”

He told the people of the Northern Kingdom that if they continued to sin, they would fall to their neighboring nation.

Hosea 10:6

The thing itself shall be carried to Assyria as tribute to the great king.
Ephraim shall be put to shame, and Israel shall be ashamed of his idol.

We talked about what types of bad things that the people of Israel were doing.  They worshiped idols, practiced witchcraft and set up pillars and wooden images.  So many horrible things!  God was very angry with all that they did, especially since they knew they were doing wrong!  God’s response was harsh, but well deserved.  While the Assyrians thought they won, God had actually allowed the Assyrians to take the people of Israel.

2 Kings 17:23

23 until the Lord removed Israel out of his sight, as he had spoken by all his servants the prophets. So Israel was exiled from their own land to Assyria until this day.

What exactly happened?  The people of Israel were taken to the land of Assryia.  They were removed from the Promised Land and others were sent to live in the land that God had promised the Israelite people.  There were over 27,000 people that left the land God had promised them, because they disobeyed God.

This was a very good lesson, because it taught the kids that disobeying has its consequences.  If we continue to disobey we can loose what has been given to us.

Lesson 46 talked about the Hosea, the prophet that God sent to Israel to warn the people about their sins.  Not only did God use Hosea to speak to Israel, God also used Hosea’s life as an example.  He told Hosea to marry a harlot.  By doing this, Hosea’s life showed what God was feeling through pain and true love.  You see, God loves us so much and it pains Him so much to see his people disobey.

The activity that we did for lesson 45 was to show the children that the 27,000 were a lot of people.  The kids were to find 100 of an object.  Then we were to talk about how there were 272+ more groups of the 100 objects to equal the amount of people that had to leave the Promised Land.  The kids actually found 100 pennies, but also found a few dimes and nickels.  We were able to get a little math in while adding up to 27,000+.

The activity for lesson 46, we were to bake a cake.  Well half-bake it.  How disappointing is a half baked cake?  very disappointing because you can’t eat it!  The Israelite people disappointed God tremendously.

Hosea 7:8

Ephraim mixes himself with the peoples;  Ephraim is a cake not turned.

counting pennies.


I also wanted to highlight a couple of those who linked up last week.  The first one is Judy from Contented at Home and How They Use Mystery of History.  I love how they switch things up just a bit to make it work for them.  The next one is Stacey from Layered Soul.  They built a fort using food items!

What have you covered in history?  Any exciting lessons or activities? I can’t wait to see what you all have learned about!


**disclaimer~ This link-up is not officially affiliated with Bright Ideas Press but is my own project. I am a customer and fan.

why I love Bright Ideas Press, a History link-up and a giveaway!!

why I love Bright Ideas Press, a History link-up and a giveaway!!

Every since I started using Bright Ideas Press History and Geography last year, my kids and I have truly fell in love with it.  This curriculum works for our family.  How does it work?  The Mystery of History Volume 1 that we have been using, teaches Ancient Civilizations through the time of Christ.  We did start this volume last year, but started it over this year when I found out about their Illuminations program (which I also highly recommend!).  I am so glad that we did start over.  I am able to use this history book with all three of my children that I am homeschooling this year.  They are in the 9th, 2nd and 1st grades.  I love the fact that I can use it with all three kids.  Each lesson consists of a lesson that can be from 1-3 pages long.  Then at the end of the lesson, there are activities and projects for younger, middle and older children.  It works out great for us.  Also, in the back of the book, they have a book list for extra reading for the lessons.  I also have to mention the WonderMaps program.   The amount of maps that they have, starting with the ancient civilizations and going through chronological order, up through modern times is amazing!  We are also enjoying the Hands-On Geography and the Time-line.  It is so fun to see my kids enjoy history coming to life!

Just look at what we did this past week!

Soap Carving talking about Jonah and the Big Fish

Olympic Wreath Making










So as you can tell, we love all that Bright Ideas Press has to offer!  That is I am going to host a history link-up for those who are using Bright Ideas Press curriculum.  If you use ANY of the history or geography curriculum that they publish, this link-up is for you!

Since it is Thanksgiving weekend and I am late getting this post up, I won’t do a link-up today.  However, come  back next Wednesday with your posts ready!  I will also have a landing page at the top of the blog that you will be able to click on with all the info needed.  I will also have a button in the side bar that you will be able to put on your blog as well. (Thank you to Honey at Honeycomb Design Studio for creating the beautiful buttons and banners!)

I also have to let you know that this was my idea and I am doing it all on my own.  While Bright Ideas Press does know about the link-up, they do not have anything to do with it.  I will be hosting it on my blog .  They are supporting me and have even donated $20 in store credit as a first giveaway!

That’s right, the giveaway that Bright Ideas Press is donating, is a $20 store credit.  It is just in time for this weekend’s sale!

All you have to do to enter the contest is leave me a comment telling me what you would use the $20 store credit on at Bright Ideas Press!  I will choose a winner late Friday night.  That will still give you plenty of time to use the store credit!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

**UPDATE** Using, the winner is Cindy!!  Congrats!!

Disclaimer~ “This link-up is not officially affiliated with Bright Ideas Press but is my own project. I am a customer and fan.  There are affiliate links in this post.  If I do make any money from you using the links, I will in return use it to purchase curriculum for our schooling.”

The Homeschool Mother’s Journal and a History Link-Up in the works!

The Homeschool Mother’s Journal and a History Link-Up in the works!

 Don’t forget to drop by iHomeschool Network and look at what other homeschoolers have been doing!

  • In my life this week…

    I have had a pretty good week.  I was able to get up and dressed, get the kids breakfast and get started on school.  It has been a good with with not much pain. I am thankful and blessed by God for keeping my pain away.  I also am working on a new link-up for history!
  • In our homeschool this week…

    We got a lot accomplished in our homeschool this week!  I am so proud of my kids.  Other than our usual math, phonics and writing, we carved soap into big fish (Jonah lesson in MOH), made Oylmpic wreaths (Olympic lesson in MOH) and read about Mercury in Astronomy.
  • Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

     If you are able to, try to have a few minutes of quiet time at the beginning of the day and ask God to bless your day and your homeschool.  By putting God first, my days definitely go a lot smoother.
  • I am inspired by…

    I am inspired by Jenilee and her family.  Jenilee blogs at Our Goodwin Journey.  Jenilee and her husband Jeremy just announced that they are missionaries for Senegal, West Africa.  Will you join me in prayer for this blessed family and perhaps pray for how you can help and bless them in their new journey?
  • My favorite thing this week was…

    Claire, Sarah and Samuel making their Olympic wreaths.

    Claire, Sarah and Samuel with their big fish carvings.

  • Things I’m working on…

 I am working on the History link-up.  I share a little more about it at the bottom.  I am also helping out with Teaching Creation   Thursday at Creation Conversation!
  • I’m cooking…

    I have been in a baking and cooking mood lately.  The holidays and cooler weather always seems to get me in the baking mood.  This past week, we baked chocolate chip cookies.  They didn’t last long enough for me to get a picture of!  I also made a Pumpkin Spice Banana Nut Bread at the beginning of the week!
  • I’m grateful for…

     I am so thankful and blessed by the many friendships that I have made since I have started blogging.  I am encouraged by all of those who blog about their faith and those who encourage others through their faith and their homeschool journey.  It is my goal to do the same.
  • I’m praying for…

    I am praying for our family and that we find a church home soon.  I miss the fellowship with other believers.
  • A photo to share…

I am so excited about this new link-up I am having.  It will be a History link-up for those who are using Bright Ideas Press      history and geography curriculum.  I will begin having it once a week.  We will begin this next Wednesday and I have a giveaway from Bright Ideas Press!  It is a $20 store credit!!


 *This link-up is not officially affiliated with Bright Ideas Press but is my own project. I am a customer and fan.

* Affiliate links are included in this post.

Mystery of History ~ Elisha helps a widow…

Mystery of History ~ Elisha helps a widow…

My kids and I are really enjoying the Illuminations by Bright Ideas Press.   We are using Illuminations Year 1 and have chosen Mystery of History as our history spine. We started using Mystery of History Volume I, last year, but never finished it.  So I figured we would start over and reuse it this year with the Illuminations Year 1.  I am glad we did.

We just finished up lesson 37 on Elisha (Israel’s Prophet).  During this lesson, we read that Elisha was compared to Jesus.  They both loved being around people and performed many miracles.  A few of the miracles that we talked about Elisha performing are; Elisha telling soldiers to dig pools in the earth and they would be filled, the healing of Naaman, and miracles for the Shunammite woman (her having a baby and then Elisha bringing the boy back to life after dying) and the widow who had a debt that needed paying.   Those are just a few of the miracles that Elisha performed!

The Mystery of History activity for lesson 37 was doing an experiment with water and oil.  During this experiment, we were able to talk more about how Elisha performed the miracle for the widow woman in 2 Kings 4:1-7.

Samuel pouring oil in a measuring cup.

First, Samuel took the oil and poured a 1/2 cup in a measuring cup.

Claire getting a bowl of water.

Next Claire, got a bowl and filled it with water.

Claire putting drops of purple food coloring in the bowl of water.

She then put purple food coloring in the bowl to tint the water.

Putting drops of colored water in the oil.

The next step was to put drops of the colored water in the cup of the oil.  We were to watch and discuss what the reaction of the water to be in the oil.

The results of adding the colored water to the oil.

The results of adding the colored water to the oil.

The kids noticed that the water drops stayed in balls and dropped to the bottom of the cup of oil.

We also talked about why Elisha would tell the lady and her sons to go get as many empty vessels as they could find and to keep pouring the oil in the vessels.  When they could not obtain any more vessels to pour the oil in, the oil stopped flowing.  Elisha then told her to go and sell the oil to take care of her debts.  She did.  It is so amazing how God provides right when you need it!  I have seen many miracles in my lifetime and they do still happen!!

I am thankful for this opportunity to have found this amazing curriculum that has been published by Bright Ideas Press.  I am also thankful they have allowed me to be an affiliate for them.  You will see their buttons on the side of my blog. If you click on those and order any product, I will get a small portion of that purchase.  The links in this post also contain affiliate links.  Again, if you click on those links, I will get a small portion.

However, even if I wasn’t an affiliate, I would still recommend this amazing curriculum to you.  I always enjoy sharing curriculum I love and is working with us.  I am hoping to share more throughout the year as we go through this curriculum.  If you have any questions,  please email me at jumpforjoy at gmail dot com or message me on my Facebook page A Journey of Joy.


This post contains affiliate links.

first week of school

first week of school

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

While we had done a couple of weeks of school back in August, right after we moved to Colorado, this was our first week of school with our curriculum that I shared here.  Over all, I think it went rather well.  We do have some tweaking to do with our routine, but I think once we get a couple of weeks under our belt, we will be doing just what we need to be doing.

Samuel working on handwriting and Claire working on Math.

One of the things I have enjoyed the most about our week?  My children have gotten up, ready and have eaten breakfast and then got their books out to do school work.  They were so ready to get back to our regular routine.  They love to learn and that does warm my heart.

Now this isn’t to say that we haven’t had a few tears this week.  Even momma has had to talk with daddy during the day to get calmed down.  We have all been a little stressed with the move and that has played a big part with some of our attitudes (ahem), me included.  That is when we closed our books for a few moments and just talked.

Sarah working on math.

So what has really worked this week.  Well, mostly all of the school work, has worked!  haha   Seriously though, the Illuminations program that I am using, I like it a lot.  The kids are enjoying their school work.  They love the Mystery of History that we are doing.  The books we are reading, we are enjoying.  They are loving the Apologia Astronomy that we are reading.

What didn’t work this week?  Well, we are trying to get a hang of all the Language Art components.  Mostly that was my fault though.  I wasn’t nearly as prepared with the lesson plans as I had intended on being.  Also, changing from one subject to the next is going to take some work.  It has come to my attention that all three of my kids can not be working on math at the same time.  Especially, when it is 3 different grade levels of math.  I will need to find some independent work for the younger children, while I am helping their sister.

First week of school is a success!

Like I said, over all the week went pretty well.  I am happy with it.  I am looking forward to this year!

How did your week go?  Did you do any special projects?

Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.